I'm Registered! Now what?
What to Expect - Online Learning
Thank you for enrolling in one (or more) of OLLI's Online Learning courses. We hope you enjoy your courses, our beloved instructors, and sharing a learning experience with your fellow OLLI members. Here is what you need to know: Zoom Links - Course links will be provided in the student portal. Click here to login. (We recommend you bookmark this page.) For more information including a step-by-step video please visit this website. Please do not share the class link with anyone who is not registered for this class. Each OLLI member must register separately for a course. You may watch the course with another member, but both members must be enrolled in the course. Sharing the link with someone who has not registered is a violation of OLLI's Code of Conduct and could lead to the suspension of your membership privileges. Class Check-In Protocol - Please join your class up to 15 minutes before the posted start time so we can confirm you are registered for the class and make sure your computer/device is working properly. The instructor will begin promptly at the start time listed for his/her class. Your Name in Zoom Window - Please confirm your name (first and last name) in your Zoom window matches the name you used to register for the class. We recommend you sign up for a free Zoom account using the name that matches your OLLI membership. By doing this, your name will be displayed correctly every time you log in to your class. Click here to follow the directions on how to change your name in the Zoom window. OLLI staff will take attendance. If your name does not match the registration list, you risk being moved to the Waiting Room until you change your name. Recorded sessions - Certain classes are recorded. Recordings are shared only with those members who are registered for the course and OLLI community partners. Links to recordings will be accessible through the student portal within 48 hours after the session. The recordings will expire 30 days after the last day of the term. See the most current newsletter for updates. Upgrade Zoom Info - Zoom updates its software regularly. Instructions for how to update your Zoom software are in OLLI’s weekly newsletters. By keeping your Zoom app up-to-date, you will benefit from all the features that OLLI instructors may use. Transfers/drops/refunds - If you would like to transfer or drop a course, please review the refund policy located at www.learnmore.duke.edu/olli/policies. For more information on OLLI’s Online Learning program, simple how-to guides, or request tech help with Zoom, please visit www.olliatduke.online. Questions? Email [email protected] |